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Cona Internship

CONA is an artists-run initiative that aims at creating an avenue for students, artists, designers, and professionals from different fields to come together. It intends to function as an ongoing mind space, a point of contact that shall kindle ideas, and facilitate discourse, stimulating both thought and action. In a word, here is an adda for ideas, perspectives, happenings and people to meet, where they can work, think, participate in activities and projects that encompass disciplines, genres, times and lives Cona will work with the active and contributive involvement of every visitor participator. They intend to build a digital archive, a resource that can be accessed by all. For this they encourage all to volunteer, share and contribute in any form of data, footage, images, audio or other. A further extension of this archive would be collective engagements in the form of screenings or talks.Cona also offers part of the space as a venue for artist residencies and will also initiate a design centre.Intention: neither to act as an exhibition space nor just a digital archive, but to be an active catalyst in a continuous situation where thoughts and experiences can be shared and can grow.

I spent a month with the Shreyas,Hemali and Janaa in a 120-year-old Portuguese-type house. In cona we were being aware of every smaller thing that we do on our everyday basis, let that be arranging your table or even placing of certain objects. Our relation with humans, non-humans and even objects started telling  more about ourselves We believe that our daily practices tell a story about ourselves, our life and personality. As the space became flooded with different people , their stories and opinions , we started analysing our life patterns and understanding why we are like this. Why am I like this ?


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